Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Path to Baba Yaga's House

This is a little painting on a wooden panel. I've recently added the skulls on stakes. I find that if you put skulls or skeletons in something, it sells better. And this fits with my dark fairytale ambiance I've cultivated.

I'm wondering if this will make a good print, or if the wood grain will show through and look too weird. I guess I'll have one made, and find out.


moneythoughts said...

That is a nice piece of work. The skulls I have heard make paintings sell. Well, if that is the case, you better start selling prints of it too.

Anonymous said...


Mystic Thistle said...

I love this one too. Very much. I wonder what the psychology is, if any, behind skulls selling...?

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

If you ever saw the movie "The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover" The Cook has a soliloquy where he says "I charge more for any food that is black. People like to remind themselves of death. Eating black food is like consuming death. It is like saying 'death, I am eating you!'"
I think it is something like that.

Mystic Thistle said...

Ooooooo! I think that's true of me. You're full of resources.