Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Boy from a Paper Moon

Here are two views of a sketch that I've decided to paint. It has a good feeling to it. It's a bit archaic and fairytalish. It has a Lewis Carrolly sort of feeling. So far so good.


moneythoughts said...

Definitely "fairytailish", you have not given him even a small package. : )

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

Once I did paintings from vintage erotic photos, but when I took them to a craft show, someone in the mall complained, and I had to put post-it notes over all the nipples.

Unknown said...

Are you serious? That's crazy. I look forward to seeing this progress. So glad to be back!

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

Seriously, if you go anywhere near the Monroeville Mall, make sure your nipples are covered.

Mystic Thistle said...

This is my favorite pre-painting of yours. It reminds me of some of the illustrations that Sendak did! Like from "Outside over there" and some others I can't remember the names.

Oh of course! Nipple post-its. Sometimes I put post-its on my nipples when I'm feeling vulnerable or when I need to remind myself to call someone, don't we all?