Wednesday, May 8, 2013

All Fours

This is an 8" x 10" acrylic painting on acid-free paper. It is inspired by my reading of The Dictionary of Faiths and Folklore compiled by W.C. Hazlitt. It refers to a game beloved by children called "all fours" which is exactly the same game of "horsey rides" that children enjoy today. I decided to depict it in a surreal fashion with little grotesqueries. I've made the poor, put upon, baby sitter more animal-like and elongated with a long-suffering look that many a weary childminder has worn. The face is inspired by Grace McDaniels, also known as the Mule-Faced Woman. She suffered from Sturge Weber Syndrome. The bottom half of her face grew very contorted and swollen. I have always found her deformity to be somewhat beautiful and inspiring. Two bored little ungrateful beings sit astride my poor beastie as they take one of those endless, back-wearying kiddie rides.

Here is how the finished painting looks. You can get a better look at it Here at My Good Babushka.

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