Yesterday Yolanda planted Yams near the Yukon River
She ran back into her Yurt when a loud Yowl made her shiver

She knocked over her basket of Yarn and it was as tangled up as spaghetti
She was trying to unravel it when she Yanked away by a Yeti
Phew! Only one more left. This woulda been more fun if we weren't getting evicted right now. But I'll try to stay with you as long as I can.

You're joking right? You're not getting evicted are you? Are you guys okay?
Julie...you never disappoint. Could this one be reflecting how you are feeling right now with all the disruption and loss of control? You know that Yeti, the big monster grabbing hold and carrying you off to parts unknown? But then again, I am probably just reading too much into this and over analyzing things as usual. Sigh...prayers continue to go up for you and your family.
Oh I LOVE your Yeti!! I will have to show this one to my Dad, as he is a big Sasquatch/Yeti fan. :-)
how very sad for Yolanda but good use of Y words
Hope all is well - good use of ‘Y’ words.
PS Mine this time is HERE. Hope you can join me!
So sorry about the eviction thing. Horridly stressful. I'll be thinking of you. On a lighter note, loved the Yeti getting Yolanda. You are endlessly creative.
yikes, hope you are ok!
love your cartoons, esp that yeti :D
I hope the Yeti will zoom her zealously to a wonderful new place to live. The Yukon is too cold.
Are you seriously being evicted? I'm very sorry to hear that. Moving is not easy, even when you choose to go!
As for your post, it is brilliant as always.
Great Y post. Sorry about the eviction. I think it's being reflected in your Y post.
That's alot of "y" words. You get a gold star. I'm so sorry to read that you're being evicted. I admire you just staying sane, much less writing.
waht??? you are totally not getting evicted are you??? that is so not fun.... and i loved Y! and can't wait for Z ... your writings and drawings amuse and amaze me!
love the story and how you added all the Y words....great pic's ...bkm
..if you do any children's writing... check out
Monday's Child at
I enjoyed your Y story what a way to go!
But, I hope you're not seriously getting evicted, what's going on?
Are you o.k.?
very cute, made me smile - sorry about the yetti yanking.
What a wonderful Y post, but poor Yolanda..
Hope you're just joking about the eviction thingy!
Such a fun post to read. Hope you have a good week. Debbie
This is fantastic y post.
enjoyed your art.
Great Y post. Sorry to hear about your troubles. Hope everything turns around quickly for you.
Your art and poem about Yolanda were cute. You aren't really in the process of eviction are you?
I loved the yeti - I guessed that would be your villain. {{{hugs}}} on the eviction.
As always, I love your weekly contribution to Alphabe Thursday. Week after week, you amaze me with your imagination! I'm so sorry to hear about the eviction, this has been a rough year for so many of us. Sending good thoughts your way (and hugs too) Kat
Great Y post. I hope things work out for you all. Good luck.
Another good story. You never disappoint.
I hope you'll soon be settled in a new place. Hurry back!
Julie, what can we do to help?
As always I love your post but I'm stuck in my Momma worry mode right now.
You have really helped make Alphabe-Thursday an amazing meme.
I love visiting you each week.
I'm sending you a worried A+
once again, great storyline and drawings...i am sorry to hear of the eviction..i hope you work it out
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