I guess I'll just call this "Bentleyville" while I'm working on it. I haven't been super-excited about an idea in a long time, but this is the one. I have been pondering for a while how my paintings seem to be correct, physically, but wrong metaphysically. If such a thing is possible. I am feeling like it is time to try something less comfortable, for me. I am making an effort to be less excruciatingly exacting, which I feel kills a lot of great texture and the spontaneity that makes a great painting really great.
I'm going to try not to overmix, overblend, overdraw, overTOUCH this painting. But I also want areas of high focus. Let's see what happens.
I'm liking this alot Julie. And what a great inspiration to work from. I love vintage photos, and you are capturing the feel perfectly. Can't wait to see it finished. Kat
This is amazing Julie and this is just day 1. The amount of talent that pours out of you is remarkable. I am so glad you have been inspired to paint this photo.....I mean talk about a family treasure. Have fun with this, I can feel your excitement through the blog waves(O:
Wow! And so interesting to see the work in progress. Not being a painter, I am particularly fascinated by the obvious stages...
Would love to see more as you go along!
Oh, I can't wait to see more! Loved the details on those two men on the left. Your talent continues to astound.
Julie. You are so amazing. I am really impressed with your "artistic deepness" or some such thing.
Whatever it is, you are amazing.
Your style will be perfect for this subject matter.
It's really good so far. It's a very good likeness of the two guys you've done. Can't wait to see more.
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