I included the photograph I'm working from, in case you weren't here at the beginning. I am realizing that I made some spatial mistakes. I initially put oval blobs down for the faces, roughly where I thought they should be in relation to each other, thinking the rest would work itself off. I've largely been correct, but sometimes I'm an eensy, teensy bit off. I should double check in the future. There's a little bit too much space between the cigar man and the man under the fan. I think the cigar man needs to stretch his left arm a bit, then I'll scootch the man under the fan over and everything will be Ok.
This is so cool to follow your progress!! Sure just scootch him over a bit.....lol. Amazing work!!
I think the artist is always hardest on herself. I believe this is coming together very, very, well...loving the expression on the face of the man in green!
I never would have noticed, but I do notice how much I like each face as you add in the details. I can hardly wait for the next pink blob. I love his face in the photo.
:::still watching with awe and wonder:::
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