I found out a little bit more about this picture. It was taken in the mid-forties. It is my grandfather with his PNA bowling league at the Polish Club. It hung on the wall at the club for many years, then my grandmother had it amongst her photographs. Now I have it. I'm trying not to get paint on it!
That's incredible Julie. Imagine how many people will recognize this piece when it's finished after it being hung in the club for all those years. This could be worth a fortune when it's finished! I think you're onto something here with these vintage photos being your subject.
I wasn't born till the 50s, but the 40s make me nostalgic.
I enjoy seeing the process, it's coming along quite nicely, I'm not a painter, so I don't quite know what's involve but I imagine a little planning in terms of sizing and placement even with a photograph as a reference
& thanks for stopping by my blog
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